My name is Quentin. I am a gay Christian.
Before I came out I was depressed, anxious, and at some points suicidal. I wrestled for years about how people would perceive me if I came out to them.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Quentin
I came out to my parents and close friends when I was 18. My parents didn’t expect it, but they were loving and open to learning about what I experienced and my opinions. I was terrified of what people would say about me, but I knew that God loves me. I grew so much closer to God, my family, and my close friends.
I am loved and accepted and I pray that someday you will get to experience the same love and acceptance. You are created in the image of God and you are special. I am always open and willing to talk to people about their experiences. Feel free to reach out @q_cole02 !
Photo of Quentin