I started having a pretty strong curiosity towards women's bodies at age 6. However, it never crossed my mind that I could ever be LGBTQ. I grew up very sheltered, and my mom only told me very negative stories about LGBTQ people.
I finally came out as bisexual my senior year of college after a very dear Christian friend of mine came out to me. It was one of the most shocking and loving moments I ever experienced in my life.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Briana
Unfortunately, my Christian fellowship was homophobic, and I suffered spiritual abuse in regards to my sexuality from a leader in the community I deeply trusted. As a result, when I graduated, I was depressed and disgusted with being queer.
But then I started listening to the podcast Queerology the summer after I graduated. That’s when I discovered Amber Cantorna, Brit Barron, Kevin Garcia, and Justin Lee. After reading their books and following them on social media, I became more and more exposed to the idea of affirming theology and churches. I then found an affirming church to attend where I live that is very strongly anti-racist, pro-queer, and is led by a non-binary pastor.
There are two things that have kept pushing me forward to not give up on my faith or my sexuality. One is what a lesbian friend and role model of mine told me last summer: It took years of planting and watering homophobic Christianity into my mind, so it is going to take work to re-write those ideas. The second thing is seeing more and more people like me: LGBTQ and Christian, not either/or. That has given me strong hope that my identity is not just a quick fix easy answer that a Bible verse can be slapped on to.
To young LGBTQ+ Christians, I would say keep pushing. Don’t give up when you hear the idea that LGBTQ people cannot be Christian and will go to hell.
Don’t give up when you hear the idea that a lifetime of celibacy is the only way a queer person can be with God in the end.
And finally, keep seeking Jesus, not people, for only Jesus can truly lead you in the direction of a joyful, abundant, and deeply satisfying life.
Photo of Briana