I always had a feeling that I was different, but I also thought that maybe everyone felt this way and I was just supposed to ignore it. I was in such a state of denial that I never even considered the possibility that maybe this is just who I am.
No one has a right to question your faith but, as a queer Christian, it happens a lot. I never let myself be fully invested in any relationships in my life because I didn’t want the wrong thing to happen. When you can’t rely on people, you have to turn to something else and thankfully my faith is something I’ve been able to lean on. I’ve had to rely more on my faith simply because other people don’t believe I have it.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Dan
Going to a progressive Christian college has definitely helped. There are so many affirming students and faculty members that have invested in me to help me recognize my worth as a queer Christian. I also really enjoy the resources offered by The Reformation Project. They mention that we should judge something based on the fruit it produces: “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” (Matthew 7:16-20). Since I have begun this process of accepting who I am, I have seen so much more good fruit than before. I love myself and I’m able to better love the people around me.
It gets better. I know that everyone says this, but it is so true. When you’re able to live your God-made, authentic self, you’re going to see the good fruit it yields. I know it can be easy to rush the process of coming out just to get it over with, but only do it in a way that is safe and healthy for your mental, physical, and emotional well being. Even if it feels like you can’t do it, you can and it will be so SO great when you do.
Photo of Dan