We’re on a mission to celebrate & empower queer youth of faith. JOIN US!

The Trevor Project estimates that 1.8 million queer youth in the U.S. seriously consider suicide each year. Sadly, much of this suffering and shame is reinforced by religious communities where young people are taught that queerness is ungodly.

As the first national organization serving queer youth of faith, we offer something these kids have not had before—a place to belong, to grow their faith, to find healing and wholeness, and to be celebrated and loved for who they are.

We’re here to reach LGBTQ+ youth who have been pushed to the margins of faith communities — and our message is simple: YOU ARE BELOVED!

Your generous gifts directly impact the lives of LGBTQ+ youth through our programs:

will you join us

will you join us

More Love 100

Join our thriving More Love 100 community! Donors in More Love 100 help us spread MORE LOVE to queer youth of faith by committing to a monthly donation of $100 or more.

Monthly donation

Join our network of monthly donors who are fervent queer folks and allies committed to protecting the lives of LGBTQ+ youth.

One-time gifts

Please consider making a one-time gift. Your tax-deductible donations help offset the costs of our youth programs, scholarships, content and publications, and youth outreach projects.

Donate by check

If you prefer to write a check, please send it to our address. If you have questions about ACH or company matching programs, please email us at hello@belovedarise.org.