Pastor Candace
Hi I’m Pastor Candace. Never in my wildest teenage dreams could I imagine that one day I would be a pastor.
In fact, I denounced Christianity at the age of twelve and would not find my way back until after my eighteenth birthday.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Pastor Candace
I discovered my sexuality outside of the judgment of the church. Later, when I reaffirmed my faith in Christ, I remember my friends praying for me — expecting that my sexuality would change once I knew Jesus. It didn’t.
But I do admit, I was curious about these ideas regarding salvation and same-sex attraction. I wanted to know the truth for myself. So I decided to enroll in the most conservative Bible school I could find, and asked the Lord to teach me, convict me, and if necessary, change me.
The freedom I found in God, even while attending a conservative school, gave me the confidence to answer my call to ministry. I learned that God’s love is for everyone. And my calling is to help other people with their questions and provide a safe place for them to learn and grow as well.
I have been a pastor for over a decade. I’m happily married to my wife and have three lovely daughters.
Photo of Pastor Candace