My name is Lucy, and I identify as a queer woman of faith.
When I was in 7th grade, I realized I wasn’t straight. I always had a feeling, but being able to finally put a label on it was comforting. I grew up in the church and had always thought of it as a second home.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Lucy
I was devastated when I learned that the leaders of the church were making all volunteers sign a statement that said they would agree to teach that marriage should be between a man and a woman only. I felt unsure of whether or not God still loved me, because I had so many people telling me that who I was as a person was wrong.
Then Beloved Arise was launched. And from it also came a new youth group called Rebel. These two things have changed my life for the better. I now have a faith community where I can be myself, and I am loved for it and because of it.
I was afraid that God would stop loving me after the church did. But I was wrong. He doesn’t love me in spite of the fact that I’m queer, He loves me because of it.
Photo of Lucy