My name is Mickey, a cisgay 2nd generation Filipino-American Christian of size and curves.
I mention all those identities because embracing my belovedness means walking in my wholeness.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Mickey
I tried denying being gay all my life - at 5, denying crushes in kindergarten; at 14, denying my reactions in the locker room; at age 22, denying wanting to hold my friend’s hand and start a life together.
At 28, what I’ve learned is that every part of me gets to be fully lived in. When I kiss another man, when I make adobo, and when I look at my round, brown body and say “this is good,” I walk in my wholeness.
When I live in who I am created to be, that is worship to the Creator. The Creator sees me, and says, “This is my beloved, who I cherish.”
I am still on the journey in embracing my belovedness, and it is not easy. So for your journey, I pray this poem I’ve written over you:
Beloved, the hearts of those who love you
will ALWAYS be shaped like you.
They will hold you for who you are.
Do not contour your identity.
Do not contour your intersectionality.
Do not contour your race,
gender, sexuaity, culture, creed,
(fill in the blanks)
to fit into the hearts of anyone else.
You were meant to be free.
Photo of Mickey