My name is Lorae. I was raised Christian, and once I was able to make decisions for myself, I chose Christ.
I chose the fullness of joy that exists in the presence of the Lord, and I chose to believe that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Lorae
When I found myself in a relationship with a woman in 2012, I was overcome with shame and confusion. My conservative/evangelical theology dictated that there was no room for “homosexuality”.
So I prayed. I fasted. I cried. I confessed. I prayed in tongues. I sought wise counsel. I had “ex-gay” mentors/friends. I went to the altar. Leaders laid hands on me. I read the scriptures. I wrote blog posts. I went to Christian counselor after Christian counselor to figure out how to not be gay.
Fast forward 3.5 years, and I am learning to love and accept all parts of me and embrace a theology that is not based on exclusion but true inclusion. I came out to myself, some family and friends in 2018 and to my internet friends on October 11th, 2019 -- National Coming Out Day.
Why come out?
Because representation matters.
Because I don’t believe that I was created to be small or quiet.
Because if I allow shame to silence me, then the enemy wins.
Because I need to tell other LGBTQ Christians that God loves you and that there is a Christian community that embraces a theology of radical inclusion.
I am so blessed to be at this point, where I know without a shadow of a doubt that God loves me and calls me His own. God has given me both natural and chosen family that are living and breathing examples of agape love, and the expansiveness of God’s providence is evident.
For those of you other there who are struggling with your faith and queer identity...Be encouraged. You are loved, worthy, seen, known and valued. If not by the people around you, by God Almighty, always and forever!
Photo of Lorae