My name is Jackson. So, I first found out that I might like guys back when I was thirteen.
I didn't have many resources about being LGBTQ+, only that most Christians thought it was bad.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Jackson
I started to grow more confident in my identity and orientation when I went to a Christian worship conference with my youth group. Through worship and prayer, I started to feel comfortable with the idea of coming out to my youth group. About a month later I came out to most of them over text, and they all supported me and reaffirmed that God would still love me no matter what. I was so glad because they were my closest friends, and my biggest fear was that I would become an outcast.
A few months after coming out to my youth group, I wanted to come out to my friends at a camp for missionary kids. To test the waters, I submitted an anonymous question during a Q&A session with the leaders. I asked, "Should LGBTQ+ people date others of the same gender?" The youth leaders said it was wrong, but they never gave a reason why. Just a lot of "love the sinner, hate the sin" stuff.
But what they said did not make me question for an instant whether God wanted me to pursue a healthy relationship with someone, no matter the gender. As my Father, God wants the best for me. And when I worshipped, prayed or hung out with my friends, I could feel His love. I knew what those camp leaders said and the shame and hurt I felt from it was not the love that God had intended for me.
Despite what happened, I never felt shame for who I am. Instead, I started to hold God's love much closer to my heart. And because I went through these challenges, I can now help other young LGBTQ+ people like me who are trying to hold on to their faith in God.
For those of you who are struggling, I hope you always remember that the love you have for another person is not wrong. And you are not alone. People like us who have gone before you are on your side. And you have a Father who loves you unconditionally. Your faith in God is what will get you into heaven, not how much you pretend to be straight or a gender that isn't you. Also, pray for those who shun you. God wants us to love everyone.
Remember, God is love. He's the thing that holds us together. He will always be with you and love you no matter what. And if you believe that, you have nothing to worry about.
Photo of Jackson