Hi, I'm Byron. When I came out to my parents I tried to break the tension: "Bet you never thought you'd have a bi-son". It didn't go well.
People always responded to this topic with such intimidating severity and intensity. It was exhausting, but I understood, I too was really interested in the theological side of this important issue, but I soon got lost in the language and context and forgot about the heart of God. It wasn't until years later, after a lot of work, that my Dad sat down with me and said "Byron, it's not about theology, it's about love".
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Byron
From that point on (having sussed out the technical side of affirming theology), finding that sense of belovedness has been so much more freeing and empowering and has done more for my faith than years of studying and stressing. I found that peace in community and found it in serving others, and just resting in God's love.
Psalm 46:10 says: "Be still and know that I am God". Know that things get better, (including my queer puns). Now, years later, I can confidently ask my parents if they would have preferred if I was a homosexuwhale, knowing that either way, I am queerly beloved.
Photo of Byron