My name is Terry. My earliest recollection of same-sex-attraction was in grade school, and I knew it made me different. Not long after, I began realizing "different" equated to "outsider" and meant living with the pain of loneliness.
Among family, church, community, and friends, I learned to hide. I was good at hiding, too, until my mother overheard me telephonically profess my love to a high school sweetheart. Moved to protect my queerness through silence, the encounter left wounds that journeyed with me until I turned 18 and found the courage to utter the words, "I'm Queer."
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Terry
I hear these words for you: "although your beginning seems small, your end will significantly increase" (Job 8:7).
20+ years later, I now marvel at the joys of being different. Beloved, you belong to a movement of justice and love, abundant and overflowing with confounding difference—and it's beautiful, holy, and sacred.
I now serve on staff at a church that embodies inclusion and belonging, where differences are celebrated, honored, and loved. I'm therefore convinced there's infinite possibility stored up for healing, redemption, and reconciliation—so, don't lose hope!
Better is coming! You're held by a champion of love, and They SEE you.
Photo of Terry