Throughout my experience with questioning my sexual orientation and how it relates to my Judaism, there were a lot of intense research sessions trying to find other people like me. The first websites I came across when I began my online escapades were orthogays.org and jqyouth.org. I remember the euphoria I felt from just knowing that there were at least two websites for people like me to find answers. Since then, I bookmarked anything I found that dealt with the intersection of queerness and Judaism and now I am so excited to share those all and more with you all. It is truly a privilege being a Beloved Arise Youth Ambassador (2022-24) because I get the opportunity to share Jewish queer joy with all of you. Enjoy this intense resource guide for all your Jewish queeries on your journey, wherever you are!
Sabrina Hodak : she/her
LGBTQ+ & Jewish
If you know of other resources that would be helpful for LGBTQ+ youth, please send them our way at hello@belovedarise.org.
Organization & Programs
JQY (Jewish Queer Youth) is a nonprofit organization that supports and empowers LGBTQ Jewish youth with a special focus on teens and young adults from Orthodox, Chassidic, and Sephardi/Mizrahi communities. JQY fights to ensure the emotional and physical health and safety of this population.
If you have any questions or if you would like to be connected to a supportive rabbi or religious leader feel free to Ask a Rabbi.
Keshet →
Keshet envisions a world in which all LGBTQ Jews and our families can live with full equality, justice, and dignity. By strengthening Jewish communities and equipping Jewish organizations with the skills and knowledge they need to make all LGBTQ Jews feel welcome, we work to ensure the full equality of all LGBTQ Jews and our families in Jewish life.
Gay and Lesbian Orthodox Jews →
GLYDSA is designed for LGBT people that are also members of the Orthodox Jewish Community. There is an in-depth conversation about religious texts available in the FAQ section as well as statements from Orthodox Rabbis regarding the intersection of Judaism and sexuality.
JQ envisions a world where all LGBTQ+ Jews feel a strong sense of self, pride, and community – a place where LGBTQ+ Jews and our allies are supported by those that embrace our needs and celebrate our unique identities. Through community building, educational programs, and support services, JQ creates a joyful and healthy future for LGBTQ+ Jews and their loved ones to connect, learn, and thrive.
In the 1990s, a new wave of transgender Jewish people and our allies began to create Jewish resources that speak to our lives. We wanted rituals and prayers that included and affirmed us; we wanted to find and create Jewish texts that speak to our experiences as trans and genderqueer people. We have created TransTorah to collect trans and genderqueer Jewish resources and make them accessible to anyone who wants them.
Eshel →
Eshel’s mission is to create a future for Orthodox lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, and their families. Through its innovative and culturally sensitive programming, Eshel supports LGBTQ Jews, opening hearts, minds, and doors in traditional Jewish communities.
Makom →
Makom is an information resource dedicated to supporting gay and lesbian students applying to yeshiva and midrasha. We believe that there is and should be a place for everyone to learn in yeshiva and midrasha. As yeshiva and midrasha alumni, we recognize the importance of an Israel gap year in developing avodat Hashem, ahavat Torah, middos, and connection to Israel.
View all →

Find your community
Use our map to find youth groups, campus groups, and faith communities near you that fully embrace LGBTQ+ people.
Quick reads
I’m a Bisexual Jew. Society Thinks I’m Greedy — Twice →
Queer Jewish Pasts: Histories of LGBTQ Jewish Activism in Europe and the United States →
Sage Rosenberg, AKA King Femme, Isn’t Hiding Anymore →
What "Be Fruitful and Multiply" Means for Ace and Aro Jews →
Asexuality 101: We don't need to 'Be Fruitful and Multiply' →
Check out our Jewish & Queer booklist on Amazon for more book recommendations. We continue to add books to this list, so check back often!
Movies & shorts
Check out our Jewish & Queer playlist on YouTube for more video recommendations. We continue to add videos to this list, so check back often!

For Jewish parents of LGBTQ+ kids
When LGBT Children Come Out the Closet, Their Parents Go in →
When a child comes out in an Orthodox community, parents share the burden of hiding. At an annual retreat, participants find comfort in knowing they’re not alone.
Support Group
Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians →
Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians is a Support Group who connects you with other Jewish parents with a child or grandchild who is gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer or non-binary child or grandchild.