I grew up in a Christian home. Going to church was something I enjoyed. When I got to junior high, my family was getting so busy that church started to drop on the priority list.
But I felt so strongly about going to church and maintaining that part of my relationship with Christ, that I would often have one of my parents drive me to church in their pajamas, and I would find a ride home after, or I would go to church in my soccer uniform and leave early to get to my game.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Susannah & partner
Although the LGBTQ+ community was seldom discussed at my church, going to church became even more important to me as I felt my sexuality unfolding in a way I did not understand. This pushed me to go to church more, even explore more extreme faiths that were more clear about their stance on the LGBTQ+ community. This internal struggle, copious amounts of research, hard conversations full of “love the sinner, hate the sin”, I tried to pave a more “acceptable” path.
I dated guys, went to a Christian college, but the feelings and struggle persisted. After hiding who I am to myself and the people around me for 8 years, I finally came to terms with my sexuality and began the journey of coming out. I was met with mixed reactions, everything from unconditional love and hugs, to being shamed and reprimanded. The friends and family who supported me, fueled me to get through the tough times so I could find myself and eventually, find my person. I am now engaged to the most incredible, encouraging, loving person I know. I do not deserve her, and she has agreed to continue to do life with me! We hope to be married in 2022, and I am grateful to now have friends, family and community who support me 100%.
Ultimately, I have learned that nothing can separate me from God’s love. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.
Photo of Susannah