My name is Lisa. As someone who grew up in the church and had subtle (and quite often outright) homophobia sprinkled into so much of my childhood, I’ve had to deal with a lot of internalized biphobia in my own personal journey with Christ.
It’s one of the reasons I’m still not completely out, as I know for a fact it would lead to being traumatized and possibly rejected from my family (and possibly some of my church family) due to ignorance. My walk with Jesus changed drastically when I became more accepting of myself, as I know that God is an artist and a potter who crafts us all in perfect ways without failures or mistakes.
Pronouns: she/her
Photo of Lisa
Understanding this about myself and forcing out the self-hatred in my heart helped me to be a kinder and more understanding person to those around me, and I think this has helped me not only grow closer to God but also to walk in a way more closely resembling how he did. I hope that one day my family will also grow to be more understanding and accepting of other’s differences, but until then I’m still not ready to tell them about who I am.
I pray everyday for a more accepting world and a more accepting church, but I also firmly believe true change will not come unless our generation steps up and does the work— the church cant fix problems the elders don’t see unless WE become the elders. Because of that hope and that belief, I don’t think I’ll ever leave the church. I just think my dissenting voice is much too valuable for me to choose to remove it from the conversation.
Photo of Lisa