Ayeee! My name is Eric. It wasn’t easy to be where I am now, but I was able to grow!
At the same time as I started to know and understand my sexuality, I was growing spiritually. I gave my life to Jesus, which many call being “born again.”
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Eric
But I was still terrified of being gay, and it took a lot of time for me to acknowledge that. As time went by, my prayers changed from asking ‘to take it away” to asking for “support and help.” God said “no” to taking it away, but “yes” to finding mentors, groups, affirming churches, and my community of friends. I am blessed to have received these gifts from Him.
Oppressing who I was consumed me. But, as I accepted myself, it freed me from the chains I had. I am not afraid of myself anymore. I love and embrace who I am.
Coming out to my parents recently was a big relief. To the many people that cherish me, and to the community I have, I had opened my arms to receiving these blessings from God. They all have made me feel truly Loved, Valued, and Connected.
God is there and loves wherever you are in your own process of self-discovery. Living authentically is the best thing, even if it’s small steps!
In Psalms 46, He says, “Be still, and know that I am God [...] The Lord Almighty is with us [...].”
Photo of Eric