Dan & Jo
Picture this; you've spent your whole life trying to please God and live according to the way the church has taught you. Your soul torn in two and your mind races to and fro seeking a peace that you have been taught will come if you only become straight.
But then the shackles fall off. Where you once saw yourself at the bottom of the spiritual food chain, you now see yourself seated at the table with Jesus. You see yourself as Beloved.
Pronouns: Dan-he/him, Jo-he/him
Photo of Dan & Jo
Daniel and I (Jo) have very similar stories. Growing up in a conservative Christian church meant we spent much of our teens and 20s fighting with our sexuality and struggling with the mental and physical toll this was taking.
But our God is patient and loving in ways that our mortal minds can never fully comprehend.
Through separate experiences He showed us that He accepted us for who we were and then rebuilt the brokenness of a life lived in pain and shame.
Soon enough He introduced us to each other on Facebook. We lived in different states but even that was not a challenge for our God. It's hard enough trying to date as a Gay Christian but again God was more than ready to support this relationship. He flung open doors to a job in the same city then went to work on the hearts and lives of family and friends who were themselves struggling with our relationship.
We got married 4 days ago in an apartment that we now own and with Dan's mum as the celebrant. Both our families were present.
If you had told us 18 months ago that all of this would happen, we would say that you were crazy. Yet here we are and so begins another chapter in our story.
Ours is a story of lives touched and changed by Love. We believe that yours is too! For we all have the same Father and He sees each of us as His Beloved.
Photo of Dan & Jo