My name is Sid and I’m a Trans Christian. Growing up in my adolescent years, I wasn’t sure what to believe in because I felt pushed away from God due to how I felt about myself and what I heard others say about how He viewed people like me.
Often as a transgender and autistic child, I wondered if I was an alien due to feeling so different from my peers. All I wanted was to be accepted for who I authentically was.
I tried my best to fit in at school by wearing feminine clothing and makeup, but it always felt wrong. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I never saw myself. I saw someone who pretended to be someone else to please others.
Pronouns: he/him
Photo of Sid
I tried fitting in for years until I came closer to God and finally felt at home. I realized that He wasn’t looking down on me; He was actually looking at me with love for who I am and the man I’m becoming.
Joining the Beloved Arise youth group helped me grow closer to my relationship with God and made me feel at home in a church community when, in the past, I felt like an outcast.
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Photo of Sid