Serenade Press & Media Kit
Press Release
A new groundbreaking album offers LGBTQ+ youth of faith something they’ve never had – songs of their own.
SEATTLE, WA – Beloved Arise, the first national organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering LGBTQIA+ youth of faith, presents Serenade, a new album lovingly dedicated to queer youth. Produced by Kyle and Gretta Miller of Tow’rs, this unique compilation album brings together an eclectic group of musicians, including Alex Blue, Gattison, Tim Be Told, Corey Kilgannon, and Courier. The result is a collection of 10 uplifting songs, each exploring the heartbreak and hope of life in the overlapping spaces between faith and queerness.
“This album expresses such a rich tapestry of sounds – from folk to R&B, pop to gospel,” says Kyle Miller. “But what really stands out is the message of hope that resounds through the music.”
Serenade’s tracks are not just songs; they are anthems of a movement to raise awareness for young people around the world who continue to face severe, life-threatening oppression. The Trevor Project estimates that at least one LGBTQ+ youth attempts suicide every 45 seconds. Many of these youth experience religious condemnation and pressure from family and faith leaders to “change” who they are. This album hopes to encourage and uplift the LGBTQIA+ community, especially youth, by celebrating the beauty of queer faith through song.
“Serenade is art in action,” says Dr. Jun Young, founder of Beloved Arise, the first national organization dedicated to fighting for the lives of queer youth of faith. “Our hope is that every queer kid around the world hears this music and feels seen, known, and loved.”
Most of the artists of Serenade are part of the LGBTQ+ community and see this album as a heartfelt gift to queer youth – something they wish would have existed when they were younger. Also featured is 19-year-old, Mel Rottman, who earned their spot on the album by winning a song-writing contest open to queer youth of faith. Their song ‘Tethered’ is a love song God sings to queer youth and ends with “Welcome home, my child. I love who you are.”
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
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Teaser video featuring artist, She/They, aka Mel Rottman, their new single featured in Beloved Arise ‘Serenade’ album, songs for the beloved, set to release on June 4, 2021.
Video filmed and edited by: Rod Cooley
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Serenade | A new album to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth from all faith backgrounds.
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
ID: Photo of Heaven Carter Williams, member of Beloved Arise, Youth Advisory Council, holding a Beloved Arise, ‘Serenade’ album vinyl. Red and white floral image on cover with text that read “Beloved Arise presents, Serenade, songs for the beloved, volume 1.”
Serenade | A new album to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth from all faith backgrounds.
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
ID: Photo of Heaven Carter Williams, member of Beloved Arise, Youth Advisory Council, holding a Beloved Arise, ‘Serenade’ album vinyl. Red and white floral image on cover with text that read “Beloved Arise presents, Serenade, songs for the beloved, volume 1.”
Serenade | A new album to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth from all faith backgrounds.
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
ID: Photo of stacked vinyl on a gradient rose-pink-color background. vinyl disk sits on top of stack, leaning against a single vinyl standing up-right. Disk displays ‘Serenade’ text and song list. Red and white floral image on vinyl covers with text that read “Beloved Arise presents, Serenade, songs for the beloved, volume 1.”
erenade | A new album to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth from all faith backgrounds.
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
ID: Photo of a vinyl floating on top of a green-color background. Red and white floral image on vinyl cover with text that read “Beloved Arise presents, Serenade, songs for the beloved, volume 1.”
Serenade | A new album to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth from all faith backgrounds.
Set to release on June 4, 2021, Serenade joins this year’s Pride Month celebrations, including the second annual Queer Youth of Faith Day on June 30.
ID: Photo of vinyl leaning against a navy-blue background. Red and white floral image on vinyl cover with text that read “Beloved Arise presents, Serenade, songs for the beloved, volume 1.” Vinyl disk peek out on the right-side of sleeve with rose-pink-color tissue.