To you.
Dearly Beloved,
This note is for you. Yes, you. You are my brother. You are my sister. Because in case you were wondering, or in case the world told you differently, we all belong in God’s family. I know it is common for you to find hate where you would expect to find love, and judgment where you would expect to find openness. The church can sometimes feel the worst place to ask questions. Your bravery and your questions are not in vain. Keep searching for your brothers and sisters. We exist- the ones who are ready to embrace you, welcome you, and remind you that you belong to God.
I welcome you to the church as I desperately wish I can someday welcome my own brothers back. They didn’t see a place for themselves in the church as gay men. I pray for them, just as I pray for you, that you can know with assurance the hope we have in Christ Jesus. I like the simple truth of Hebrews 13:8- “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He is unchanging, steadfast, and full of grace for us. He listens to our questions, doubts, and fears, and reassures us that we are loved. So keep searching, and keep clinging to the truth that you are loved by God. He wants nothing more than to be close to you.
Always your big sister,
Melissa Cheeks