I'm sitting on my couch, thinking about you

Dearly Beloved,

Right now, I'm sitting on my couch, snugged up in a blanket, thinking about you. 

You, who is perfectly made. 
You, who is the joy of God's heart. 
You, who belongs here. 
You, who may need a friend. 
You, who may need a sister. 
You, who may need an auntie.
You, who may need to know you are loved. 

Because you are. You are loved more than you can ever possibly know. You are loved by a loving, gracious God who created you perfectly - just the way you are. With all of your quirks and habits and passions and talents and gifts. 

And you are loved by those of us who are allies. We are alongside you, cheering for you, voting for you, advocating for you, praying for you. And we won’t stop.


“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8.38-39)

People may tell you that who are you or who you love can separate you from God. But that’s not what Scripture says. Scripture says that NOTHING can separate you from the love of God.

Wherever you are on your journey, know that you have people in your corner. I hope that you have people who will snuggle you and comfort you and challenge you and care for you. And I hope you feel these e-cuddles and words of comfort, resting in the knowledge that there are so many who care for you, alongside the God of the universe who knows you and called you His/Her Own. 

With love,

Sarah Lewis-Assink


11 things I would tell you if you were my LGBTQI child.


You are precious in His sight.