God utterly adores you just as you are.
Dearly Beloved,
God loves you just the way you are. He made you, knit all your tiny cells and all those delicate connections. I’m not sure if you’ve ever knitted before, but the thing that strikes me about that particular Biblical analogy-that God knit you in your Mothers womb-is that when you knit, your fingers run over every millimeter of yarn. God literally touched every part of you and decided what way He wanted you to be. He created you this way, the way you are, because He wanted you to exist just as you are. He doesn’t want you to change. He utterly adores you just as you are.
Dearest one, you are so special, so unique, there is no one just like you throughout all of history and for all the time to come. You are infinitely precious. You are utterly irreplaceable. You are loved.
I care so much about you that I pray every day for you and all the LGBTQIA teens out there struggling because the world has been convinced of a lie: the lie that God doesn’t love you just as you are. I am not a mother, and am unable to have children because of my health concerns. I so wish that you were my child, that I could lavish you with love and understanding. The struggle you are facing is dear to me because I have friends who have struggled with feelings of unworthiness because of their own gender identity and who they are attracted to. Seeing them struggle, seeing them question whether or not God loves them, seeing them reel when the church turns its back on them... oh, that angers me. The church has much to answer for, but that is God’s business. I just want you to know the truth: God loves you. God created you just as you are. You don’t need to change to please Him, Beloved. You please Him everyday just by existing.
Beth Emery